In our web pages, as you have seen, we have included and framed many women’s photographs or portraits . Those compositions will frequently change, because there are numerous women who in different ways struggled and struggle for women’s freedom, or whose lives hold signs of determination, of courage, of indocility to male symbolic power.


Women who lived and live to affirm feminine freedom’s principles, eminent women in many fields – from literature to sciences, to sport, to music, from politics to history. Above all, they are excellent women in their own lives, beyond and apart from their possible celebrity status.

They are heterosexuals and lesbians, mothers and non-mothers, very young women living and heroines of remote antiquity. They are religious and atheist, activists in the first movements of feminine emancipation, and theorists of contemporary thought – of feminine difference, of gender, of multiple identity, of lesbian derivation…


Many of them are our teachers, our steady point of reference, our symbolic mothers, the true honorary Founders of our Trust.


They are many, indeed and we may have not recalled some. We wait for feedback from our supporters and additional images to complete this gallery. This gallery that we see as a continuous runway always sparkling of gratitude and commitment.


In our web pages, as you have seen, we have included and framed many women’s photographs or portraits. Those compositions will frequently change, because really numerous are the women who in different ways struggled and struggle for women’s freedom, or whose lives hold signs of determination, of courage, of indocility to male symbolic power.

Women who lived and live to affirm feminine freedom’s principles, eminent women in many-sided fields – from literature to sciences, to sport, to music, from politics to history. Above all, they are excellent women in their own lives, beyond and apart from their outcomes, more or less connected to celebrity. 

They are heterosexuals and lesbians, mothers and non-mothers, very young women living and heroines of remote antiquity, they are religious and atheist. Actives in the first movements of feminine emancipation, and theorists of contemporary thought – of feminine difference, of gender, of multiple identity, of lesbian derivation…

Many of them are our teachers, our  steady point of reference, our symbolic mothers, the true honorary Founders of our Nel Nome Della Donna Trust.

They are many, indeed: but surely we may have not recalled some. We wait from our supporters reports and images to complete this gallery, that we see as an alley always sparkling of gratitude and commitment.


See the names of women in our present  Homepage.




                                                                              Home Page   GO TO MASTER PORTAL
About us: The  Trust, What we do, The team, Our vision, Privacy, FAQ, Contact us.
Grants: Funding, Applications, Funded projects, Who supports us, How to fund us.
Stronger together:
Excellent women's lives, They helped us, Contribute to this web.
Support the trust:
Become a member, Donations, Bequests.
Film contest, Funded projects-archive, The Snail, The Witches.

The Trustee
